Sunday, June 8, 2014

Minor Tweaks Concerning The NBA Finals Halftime Posts

Alright well the NBA Finals is underway and I'm bringing the coverage to you on my blog. The 1st game so far was just an experiment on how I should cover it and one thing that's most concerning to me is the halftime post. If you guys remember my coverage of Super Bowl XLVIII between the Seahawks and Broncos, I was able to post their "positives" and "negatives" section separately; that's because well it was the SB and along with the halftime show, it gave me more time to post my thoughts on both teams separately. Well, that method is totally not going to fly because the halftimes in the NBA Finals are just like that in the regular season, they go by quick and last game's halftime post was evident that I couldn't deliver the post on time before the 3rd quarter while posting my thoughts on both the Heat and the Spurs separately (though Blogger did give me problems). So for a minor tweak, I am going to do a joint "positive" and "negative" list for both teams and I'm just going to highlight what stands out to me on either team. So how am I going to place both of them together? With the benefits of me collaborating with my friend Stillmattic on his blog for Bleach Fantasy month last month, the Heat's text are going to denote in this color and the Spurs' text in this color so people can tell the difference when I'm adding both teams' "positives" and "negatives" together rather than separate. Just a minor tweak, I'll see you guys in a few hours for game 2.

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